I have been blogging for over seven months, and get to use emoticons frequently.
We always used the same emoticons while we were using several channels of Naver,
So I thought what if we had our own emoticons?
We already have our webtoon and characters created back in the day, and thought ‘we’d like to write a post with using our characters, then what should we do?’
We visited the online cafe of N잡하는 허대리님 (?), and we read his blog post saying that he made his own emoticon.
(Honestly, this is an old project. So I’m ashamed a little bit that I submitted now
I was in charge of design but was so lazy…
I didn’t make it on my own
My church elder + his daughter (middle school student) + me
We had a meeting for only thirty minutes and did it.
That’s all right even when this is not approved. Just a good experience.)
I put the comment and came to think about it, it was either possible to create a Ukiuki emoticon.
(Wow…What is that you can’t do, Mr.heo??
There’s not much
Fortunately, not only did we already have images of Ukiuki but also characters of it while creating webtoon.
Only one emotion can be put per line on the Naver blog
It isn’t much(뭐 그리 대단한 건 아니지만), but we had Ukiuki toon and cute guys in the toon. we selected some of them suitable for use as the emoticon.
Below is our Ukiuki toon. I think it is good to click the link if you are curious or want to look at the webtoon from the beginning.
We created the emoticon using the images in the webtoon.
To begin with, the first day
I decided to create Ukiuki emoticon
, and I visited this website.
I studied about Naver emoticon all day, then the day was almost gone.
It was not as easy as I envisioned.
The next day, I made up my mind to put an end to the whole thing today.
However, when I checked, I found there was a countless number of forms.
Oh my… Thumbnail (또는 iconic photo 대표 이미지)
Which one should I pick as a thumbnail?
I had many worries about it.
Should I pick among our six Ukiuki cats
or among guys coming out in the webtoon?
I worked fixing size to 240*240 pixels and 제목 띄어쓰기 등 테그를 열심히 넣었어요. (<<<<<문맥이 이해안됐습니다 ㅠ)
The Second hurdle
The Third hurdle
It took a long time to do it
Since I misunderstood, I thought I needed to upload one image file including all twenty-four emoticon design. However, I was not able to upload because of troubles with the form.
So I kept trying to find what was wrong, and the problem was that each emoticons of twenty four should be uploaded separately by .png format.
Ah……..The image file was worked as one image at the beginning, so I had to rework to make clear image files. (원본이 선명한 아이들로 다시 선정해서 뽑아야 했어요!)
Oh my gosh…ㅋ
After I tried in the correct way, images were uploaded like this…
And an image for a tab list was asked in the next steps.
I thought maybe the image of Korean shorthair was the best for it,
so I put the Korean shorthair’s image in according to the form.
Now the application completed.
I completed it on the fourth of June.
I’m going to try to apply for the KaKaotalk emoticon next time.
However, KaKaotalk ask a different form from the Naver.
and then I didn’t apply for it yet, since I was too busy
Meanwhile, it flashed across my mind, so I visited the site.
Ukiuki emoticon was already selling, and 24 people were interested in it.
I was glad to inform some of my friends of Ukiuki emoticon on Kakaotalk
With pleasure, I let some of my friends know Ukiuki emoticon on Kakaotalk
<<<<<둘중에 하나 선택해주세요 (기쁜 마음에 카톡으로 몇분께 우키우키 이모티콘을 알리기 시작했는데)
and many of them rooted for me!
Ukiuki emoticon you can do it!
Thank you all.
We did this work early this month.
Picking some in our webtoon as an emoticon character, we made it
It has entirely slipped from my mind because I was busy.
However, today I checked it out and then got to know that our emoticon was already approved and being sold. Maybe some of you have already seen it…haha
Please root for the Ukiuki emoticon.
It says the emoticon is only available in Naver, (Naver) cafe and blog.
It would be nice if it is available in Influencer either.
That is a shame!
Thank you for your love 🙂
I ask you fans to poke or leave the encouraging comments, please.
Those who love cats or who think this emoticon is cute can buy it for a thousand won and use it.
Thank you:)
I’ll try to create an emoticon of 뜨비씨, if possible, in an animation version? motion image?. (추후엔 움직이는걸로다가 ㅠㅠ)
I appreciate that you always root for Ukiuki, me and Uki-Nyang